New Year – New ME!

Reflecting on the past year, I can honestly say this has been a year with no extreme highs and no extreme lows – and I wouldn’t have had it any other way. The past several years have been FULL of all kinds of happenings – school, graduating, new home, new jobs, etc. After all that, I think someone knew what they were doing when they gave me a year of calm, peaceful plainness and ordinary. I can only hope 2017 is just as ordinary!

That said, I am still anxious to set some resolutions, or goals for myself. So here goes:

Nutrition/Health Goals


Get back to running. It’s been far too long. I miss running so badly and…it’s time. I can feel it like an itch that can’t be scratched! No particular organized races or runs planned. I learned from last year’s experience that planning something like this tends to leave me feeling overwhelmed and that is exactly how I DON’T want to feel about running right now.

Eat more “clean” foods. I know that’s not the best term, but it encompasses what I mean when I want to scale back eating to consuming things that either “grow from the ground or have a mom.” I’ll be sharing my new Meal Planning strategy in an upcoming post!

Yoga. Take time out to actually do yoga at least once a week. I love Yoga and I have no idea why I haven’t made it a regular practice.

Life Goals

Date Night with the husband at least once a week. Schedules are tight and complicated, but even if this is just dinner in and Redbox at home – I’ll take it!

Learn more about investing. I would like to learn more about investing and having financial success.. I will read at least one investing article weekly to learn more on the topic!

Play in the orchestra. I want to actually learn now to play my violin well enough to play in our community orchestra. This means, I actually need to practice…. I will practice for at least 45 minutes once a week.

Read at least 1 book a month and attend our local library’s book club meeting.

Travel some place new. I want to go somewhere new and I have just discovered I can travel to New York by train! đŸ™‚

Go on more hiking adventures. Enough said about this one. I love hiking and I want to do it more. I need to find people to do it with!

Madden Wellness Goals

Blog Weekly – I did pretty well with blogging every week for most of the year, but the last few weeks/months have taken a hit and I am ready to bring it back!

Continue to shape and create the Madden Wellness Membership community. I am really excited about all that I have planned in store and I am excited to get feedback from all of you!

Creating even more great media content for all of you that is informational and inspirational. I aim to create at least 2 Youtube videos a month; 1 FREE Online Session a month and 1 paid Online session each month.

Attend at least 1 community/public speaking event each quarter. I already have a “leg up” on this one with the first event scheduled this month. I will be speaking to the Ladies of Vision group on January 17th about Goal Setting!


So there you have it! We are much more likely to stick to our goals if we write them out and tell others. #accountability


P.S. Have you checked out my Healthy Eating Basics Bootcamp? We cover an entire lesson on Goal Setting, a discussion about why goals fail and proven strategies for making goals that last. We talk about this and a WHOLE bunch of other stuff.

hello-thereThe program begins again this March. Early bird registration through February with limited spots available. Check it out!