My Top 10 Self-Care Tips


Self-care is one of the most important things I think we can do for ourselves. We live such busy lives with jobs, parenting and keeping up with friends or family. In the past couple of years and even more so over the past few months, I have become so dedicated to self-care. Here are some of my favorite ways to engage in self-care:

  1. A night in with Red Box or Netflix, even if it’s just you.
  2. Canceling plans just because you don’t feel like attending that dinner party or going to that movie with your friends. Time out with others is great, but if it feels like just another chore, than it might be wise to listen to your body and have some time to yourself.
  3. Saying no. When asked to help out, attend an event, volunteer at the school, host a get together, or whatever other assignment someone might ask of you. It’s OK to say no.
  4. Enjoying a glass of wine, cup of tea or mug of chocolate milk after dinner or before bed – anything that makes you feel like you’re getting a hug from the inside out. đŸ™‚ img_3232
  5. Catching up on guilt-free reading. Don’t feel like reading that self-help book or novel, but feel as if you should read it? Who says?! Read whatever you’re in the mood for and it will be way more enjoyable.01af987a96e68cb4e5c810ebdd780872575e50a231
  6. Move your body in a way that feels good. If you don’t feel like sweating today, then go for a walk. If you don’t want to walk, then do yoga or simply stretch. Not every session has to be a sweaty one for it to count.01870ffe574a9d383b6cf15e74867f737d8ef46f6b
  7. Put on your most comfy sweatpants, housecoat or pajamas. There is nothing more luxurious than actually allowing yourself to feel comfortable.01c4e3b3c670007b01884e2f37d04dc4c3825ac575
  8. Treat yourself to a massage, your nails done or even a bubble bath at home.
  9. Take yourself out for lunch, even if it’s just you. There’s something fantastic about knowing that you are buying YOU lunch and the special occasion is YOU.
  10. Take a nap because naps are awesome.015af79bbaa73847eb8d055426403cd29e15852323

What’s your favorite self-care strategy?