2016 Race Calendar

Hello everyone and Happy Saturday!


I have spent this Saturday celebrating an early weekend and the first of my family Thanksgiving dinners. 

With a VERY full belly, I’m sitting back on this Saturday with a nice cup of tea and evaluating my race calendar for next year. It was about this time last year when I decided to run the Run the Bluegrass Half Marathon this past March, so I wanted to take the time to think about what races and events I might want to plan out for next year.

I have a bit of an ambitious calendar planned, mainly because I want to stay motivated all year long and make this THEY year of racing. So, let’s see what my potential plans look like so far!


1. Run the Bluegrass – April 2, 2016

First up is the Run the Bluegrass Half marathon once again. This race was SO beautiful last year and I enjoyed myself so much. In addition, there’s nothing like finding a race that will get you motivated to get out and stay active during those chilly months of January and February. For this race, I would begin training right after the New Year.


2. Redbud Ride – April 23, 2016

The next event on the calendar is the Redbud Ride, a cycling tour in my hometown. I rode this ride in 2014 and I was so disappointed I missed it this past year because we moved the weekend of the ride. Because these rides are so relaxed and not really a race, I have no plans of any special training other than getting out for some cross training on my bike a few times while training for the Run the Bluegrass.


3. Horse Capitol Marathon – May 21, 2016

That’s right, a MARATHON! I am not very confident as of right now on whether or not I will be up for this challenge, but I WANT to be! Running a marathon is on my “life-list” and I’m not getting any younger! After racing the Run the Bluegrass, I plan on continuing my training plan for this marathon. I think running a marathon in May would be great because this will be just before the heat of Summer really kicks in.


4. Bourbon Derby Half – June 13, 2016

By this time, if all goes as planned, I should be in great shape after the Marathon. I’ll be able to tailor a running plan to maintain my training until this race.


5. Bike Trek to Shakertown – September 17th – 19th (??)

This one is not on the calendar yet, and if it came down to it I might have to choose between this one and the next event because they’re both so close together and may end up even falling on the same weekend. I think this event would be SO COOL! It takes place in an Amish community in Kentucky and the event is spread over 3 days. Each day you ride a predetermined distance on the route and then the Shaker community provides lodging, accommodations and helps with your gear. I am betting the ride would be absolutely gorgeous and me and the bestie have talked about doing this one the last couple of years. I hope 2016 we’ll actually make it out to this one!


6. Big South Fork Race – September 24, 2016.

There’s a bit of a break over the Summer before this foot race at the start of Fall. This is a trail race and and I’m excited to add it to the schedule as I have hardly ever done any trail running. It will be a fun challenge!


7.  The Thriller Ride – October 8, 2016 (??)

This race isn’t scheduled yet, but it usually occurs around the 2nd week of October. I have rode this ride with the bestie the last couple of years, so at this point, I think it’s tradition!

Thriller Ride


8. Iron Horse Half Marathon – October 11, 2016

I’ve had this one on my mind the last couple of years. It looks like an absolutely beautiful course and it usually sells out late Summer, so I will have to signup early!!



And that’s all! Like I said, it’s an ambitious schedule and I’m not going to beat myself up if I don’t get to do ALL of them. I do think it’s realistic considering that I’ll only really be training from scratch about one time. If I can maintain most of the training in the longer breaks between races then I’ll be able to appreciate the break, while also gather motivation to pick training back up in time for the next race.


I’ll be taking a break next week while I’m on vacation, but hopefully I’ll get a chance to check back in a couple of times. If not, I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving!!


What events do you have planned for next year?